Mar 8, 2011

Nicky White on TV3's TARGET & 5 Reasons I'll Show Up on Your Wedding Day

The latest episode of TARGET, a consumer information and hidden camera show, recently featured the business disaster that was Nicky White makeup artist.  Nicky received deposits from many brides and ball-goers for their professional makeup, but didn't show up on the day to do the job.  TARGET tells two of these stories, but I've heard many more.

Watch the episode here.

To avoid getting stung by a mobile makeup artist that doesn't turn up on your wedding day, TARGET advises to: Get word-of-mouth referrals/good references, only pay 10% deposit and get a written contract.  

But I require a 50% non-refundable deposit with the balance in full before the booking.  Why?  Because I value my work and only want to deal with brides who also value my services and are committed to keeping their booking on that date.  Asking for 50% as a deposit means I'm not forever changing my schedule due to cancelled bookings, or attracting customers for whom professional makeup is not a priority.  TARGET suggests your makeup artist needs money as a reason to turn up to a booking - to collect the balance owed on the day.  But as per my terms, my brides pay in full before I arrive with my makeup kit.  Obviously, money's not the only reason to show up.  Keep reading for the 5 reasons I honour my bookings, even when payment has already been received.

I also don't give a written contract.  I know myself I have incentive to follow every booking through to completion and there are many reviews and testimonials available as social proof.  

Here are 5 (rather personal) reasons I'll show up on your wedding day and do what I've said I will:

Pride in myself.  If I do a sub-standard job or let down a customer, I am most disappointed in myself.  I'm a dedicated makeup artist.  Career-wise, this is all I do.  I pride myself on delivering a good service, a great result and feel I'm only as good as my last makeup.  When you're happy, I'm happy. :-)

Love of the work.  When you apply makeup (in the right way), it makes you look healthier, fresher, more attractive.  It can subtly enhance or completely transform.  When I work, I get to see that transformation take place (often many times each booking) right in front of my eyes.  And I get paid to do it - what's not to love!?

A reputation to honour.  As an active part of the Bay of Plenty business community, there are business people out there putting their own credibility on the line as they vouch for me, give out my card and refer to me their friends, family and customers.  I'm a current member of Tauranga Chamber of Commerce, Venus Clubs (Seaside club) and the prestigious BOP Wedding Network.  That gives me another hundred or more reasons to fulfil the verbal agreement I make with each bride.  In each business dealing, regardless of whether my bridal customer came from a referral or not, I'm motivated to do my colleagues proud.

Something to brag about!  A successful bridal booking means more photos for my portfolio (with permission), another potential review or testimonial and more 'faces' on the Makeup Faces counter on the front page of my website.  The counter is updated regularly for potential customers to see how many 'faces' I've made up that year.  A larger number shows I'm not just a makeup 'hobbyist' or part-timer.  Having that number made public increases my sense of progress and kicks in my competitive spirit as my goal is to beat the number of faces I did the year before.  My aim in 2011 is to have that counter hit 300.  Every booking I fulfill gets me closer to that goal!

A personal connection.  I'm human.  I love people, no matter how different to me.  I care how a bride's makeup looks and lasts.  I've custom designed her makeup based on her best features and colours.  We've emailed or talked.  She's trusted me with her face, confidence and money.  I would never intentionally ruin or disrupt her wedding day by not turning up to play my part in the day's success.  It should go without saying.

See reviews on WeddingWise.  Reviews on Facebook.  Testimonials on A Beautiful Education's website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This shocks me, she is still working as an Artist in Auckland but is under a different name, how you can do this to someone on their wedding day is appalling.