Want to win your 'beautiful education' for free? In celebration of reaching 500 'likes' on facebook I'm giving away my most essential service as a prize!
The randomly drawn winner will receive a Full, Private Makeup Consultation with me (Lillybeth), worth $197. And the winner's consultation will include customised advice on how to best incorporate purple, the Lillybeth colour, into their makeup!
Two easy steps to enter Lillybeth's 500-likers giveaway:
1: Like the Lillybeth facebook page
2: Then comment on this post with your full name (first and last name as it appears on facebook) and your email address to enter the draw!
Entries close 8pm, Sunday June 3rd 2012, and the winner will be drawn and announced on the facebook page soon after.
Thank you for being a fan of my makeup work and unbiased beauty advice! If you love what I do, please invite your friends to my page and share this post.
For your beautiful education,